Slitting machine equipment using the flat knife slitting mode.

Slitting machine equipment in the slitting way, mainly divided into three:
- flat knife slitting
- round knife slitting
- extrusion slitting.
Slitting machine equipment using the flat knife slitting mode:
About the flat knife slitting way, in fact, like a razor, the actual use of the time, is a single-sided blade or double-sided blade directly fixed in a fixed knife frame, in the process of running the material will fall down the knife, so that the knife will cut the material longitudinally, in order to achieve the purpose of slitting.
Slitting machine equipment using the round knife slitting:
On the slitting machine equipment using circular knife slitting is actually divided into cut line slitting and non-cut line slitting; after that, we should also pay attention to this cut line slitting for the material from the upper and lower two circular knife tangent line direction slitting, this slitting on the knife is more convenient, the upper and lower circular knife according to the slitting width requirements, it is easy to adjust the position directly. The disadvantage of such slitting is that the material is easy to drift in the slitting place, so the accuracy is not high, now generally not used.
After that, about the slitting machine equipment using circular knife slitting, this time we also need to pay attention to this non-slitting line slitting is the material and the lower disc knife has a certain angle, the lower disc knife down, will cut the material. This slitting method will also make the material is not easy to drift, slitting precision is relatively high. But the knife adjustment is not particularly convenient, the lower disc knife in the installation, but also to pay attention to the entire shaft must be removed. And about the circular knife slitting itself, is also more suitable for slitting thicker laminated film and paper type.

Slitting machine equipment using the extrusion slitting method:
Slitting machine equipment extrusion slitting in the domestic slitting machine is not common, this kind of slitting, mainly by and material speed synchronization and the material has a certain wrap angle bottom roller and easy to adjust the pneumatic knife composition. About such a slitting method, we should note that it can not only slit the thin plastic film, after the use of the time, it can also slit thicker paper, non-woven fabrics, etc.